Thursday, June 25, 2015 Website Hijacking and Theft
 Website Hijacking and Theft

The criminal assholes known as Cyber-Rochdale filler have stolen my website and posted it as a "book" with a free price.  This stolen "book" is meant as a forum to demonize and insult Wolf Sullivan, nothing else.  Actually, it's not surprising because Rochdale College was a criminal shit hole by definition, and the evil assholes who infested it were mostly thieves and sleazy obnoxious phonies who insulted virtually everything.  It made them feel "hip" to be obnoxious assholes.

If you look at the stolen version of my book posted illegally by criminals, you will instantly notice that it is the work of obnoxious assholes.  Read the comments attached to the stolen "book", and you will realize that it is of interest to evil criminal scumbags.

The authorities have been notified about this violation of my copyright.  It is a felony.  That means years in prison and a fortune in fines.  Google Books has removed the stolen "book" from the internet because it violates my copyrighted material.  

For all you filler who briefly lived in Rochdale, but have since learned about Rochdale College from my writing, you will soon be destroyed and forgotten.  Not by me – but because you are mortal nothings, and all of you will soon be dead and forgotten.  You will simply be included anonymously in my book chapter on "Rochdale College Filler".

Unless you want very graphic descriptions of Peyton Brien having sex with his young son, I advise you to fuck off and not interfere with my work.  I am not the least bit shy writing  about sexual perversions, including homosexual incest, so I do suggest you fuck off and stop persecuting me.  I have millions of readers on the internet and I can very easily destroy you, Peyton Brien, as well as Rochdale College. The éxpose will destroy, because it is the truth.

Unless you want very graphic descriptions of the hick Jocelyne Roillard's facial deformity, as well as a critique of her arrogant self importance, I advise you to fuck off and not interfere with my work.  Twice Jocelyne Roillard fucked with me to damage my reputation, and probably thought she was "hip" for being a stupid asshole.  I will have my revenge!

Unless you want very graphic descriptions of widespread cocaine dealing in Rochdale College by Donald Fergusson, Billy Littler, Lionel Douglas, Jay Boldizsar, and others, I advise you to fuck off and not interfere with my work.

Unless you want very graphic descriptions of murders in Rochdale College by Donald Fergusson and others, I advise you to fuck off and not interfere with my work.

Unless you want very graphic descriptions of the evil elitist pig police informants such as army brat Mike Randell, nerdy accountant Jay Boldizsar, and Yuppie egomaniac from Neill-Wycik Alex MacDonald, I advise you to fuck off and not interfere with my work.

Crackpot cocksuckers Reg Hartt and Don Holyoak (aka Julian Arse) are criminally cyber-stalking me with insults, libel, lies, and malice.  Hartt is an uneducated amateur projectionist and Holyoak is an uneducated immature failure.  Both imagine they are "famous" and pollute the internet with illiterate self promotion and bullshit.  Unless you want Rochdale College to be known solely as a notorious drug store and nothing else whatsoever, I advise you to fuck off and stop cyber-stalking me.  The authorities have been notified about the crimes.

My book "Rochdale College" is already written and can be published at any time I choose.  My choice is to wait until you hicks, filler, "ugly American" tourists, and sleazy obnoxious phonies are dead before I publish.  You are evil chain smoking drug addicts and alcoholics and your time will soon be up.

As a vegetarian for 45 years who does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs, I will outlive all of you for decades.  When you are all fucking dead I will publish "Rochdale College", and I will have the final say on you and the pathological drug store infested with sleazy obnoxious assholes.

Oscar Hammerstein II wrote, "When a writer writes anything about anything at all, he gives himself away and what he has to say comes out incidental to his motive for writing."  That is not true of me.  As a non fiction writer, I only "give away" information.  I also "give away" the wolf, specifically a lone wolf, but not myself.  You have absolutely no idea who I really am from reading my work.